Whether at recreational, amateur or professional level, sports injuries are part of everyday life, particularly in contact sports. Repetitive strains, poor gait, over training or random unfortunate incidents all take their toll on the body.
Osteopathy helps a great deal and is being used increasingly by the professional elite sports industry due to its holistic approach to diagnosis, treatment and even prevention of further injury.
Osteopaths use a combination of deep tissue massage, manipulation, trigger point therapy and stretching to get you back on your feet. Often ultrasound and sports taping is useful for tendon and ligament injuries.
Understanding the cause of your injury is as important as the treatment itself and this knowledge can often help to reduce the risk of a repeat injury.
Our team of Osteopaths also sees athletes who wish to enhance their training for a specific competition or event such as a marathon or triathlon. They are able to draw on their extensive insight into the technicalities of the sports, in addition to understanding how injuries occur and how best to treat and help prevent them.
Kelly Haines worked at the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games treating athletes across many nations and disciplines. She was invited to be part of the medical team for the 2023 Invictus Games and 2024 Olympic Games.
'After 6 months of exceptional treatment from Morne and perseverance in committing to an exercise routine, I am finally pain free! I have no hesitation in recommending Cricklade Osteopaths and especially Morne - he is empathetic, friendly, professional and genuinely committed to getting the best outcome for his clients' SG